August 8, 2019
We’re thrilled to announce Maranacook Area Schools’ new app! It’s Everything Maranacook, in your pocket.
With the new app, you can access...

August 8, 2019
Ms, Audrey, Danforth, our Literacy Specialist attended UMF for an education degree and completed her Masters in Education through Cambridge College. The first 20 years of her ca...

August 5, 2019
Great meeting with Administrative team last week! Getting ready for the start of another amazing school year.

June 24, 2019
Maranacook Community Middle School Food Pantry / Boutique
Even with all the construction and activity at the Maranacook Campus this summer, the Food Pantry and Boutique wil...

June 18, 2019
Nina Gyorgy (a Junior at Maranacook Community High School) presented on her Great Grand Father, Paul György, MD. Students were able to meet their state‘s senators. Fun Facts: Mara...

May 29, 2019
Please join us for a Community Discussion "What makes our schools great?"
Monday, June 10th from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Maranacook Community High School Cafeteria. ALL ARE INVIT...
May 2, 2019
“Promoting student success in all areas, as we strive for academic excellence while maintaining fiscal responsibility.”
The RSU #38 School Board met on April 10, 2019, for ...
May 2, 2019
Regional School Unit #38 is seeking requests for bids from qualified firms for asphalt paving services at the following locations: Maranacook Community Schools, Millard Harrison D...